
Projection • Kneecap

24.04.25 / 8:30pm

La Belle Électrique


In partnership with Le Club cinema in Grenoble • Reservation needed


Kneecap, an Irish rap group and trio from Belfast, becomes the unlikely figurehead of a civil rights movement to save their mother tongue.

Ireland - Comedy drama - 2024 - 105 min
Directed by Rich Peppiatt
Starring : Móglaí Bap, Mo Chara, DJ Próvai

Kneecap is an Irish rap group made up of Mo Chara (Liam Óg Ó Hannaidh), Móglaí Bap (Naoise Ó Cairealláin) and DJ Próvaí (J.J. Ó Dochartaigh). The band was formed in 2017 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Kneecap is known for the use of Irish in their music and independence themes. Their first single is called C.E.A.R.T.A, which means "Rights" in Irish. In 2024, they released their second album, "Fine Arts", to great critical acclaim. The members of Kneecap call themselves "Republican Hoods", supporters of the Republican cause and of Northern Irish independence. They call their fans "Fenians", referring to individuals who share Irish republican and independence ideals. The band has gained notoriety for their approach to the Irish language. Kneecap has succeeded in making the language attractive to their audiences by presenting it in a concrete, modern light. They make the younger generation aware of the need to preserve Irish and democratize it.


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Where ?

Big Hall · Live

La Belle Électrique
12 Esplanade Andry-Farcy
38000 Grenoble


Useful info

Opening hours : Wednesday to Friday, 10am to 1am, and Saturday from 4pm, but also from 6pm if a concert is scheduled.

Doors open : 1 hour before the start of the concert.

Dressing room : €2

Get there

Tramway : Line A stop Berriat - Le Magasin
: Line C5 Université Biologie / Palais de Justice stop "Berriat - Le Magasin".
: From Grenoble train station, take tramway A towards "Fontaine La Poya", stop at "Berriat- Le Magasin".
: 300 parking spaces available.
: Vallier-Catane parking lot, Square des Fusillés or near Rue Ampère.

Service Com LBE NB 53