The Last Internationale + Quintana Dead Blues eXperience
25.03.26 / 8pm
Big Hall · Live
For almost 30 years, Nada Surf have been part of the soundtrack to our lives, with Let Go in 2002, then The Weight Is a Gift in 2005. The same goes for the songs on their albums The Proximity Effect, Lucky, The Stars Are Indifferent to Astronomy, and Never Not Together. When it comes to power pop, where haughty guitars and heady choruses perpetuate the best of Nirvana, Big Star and Jason Falkner, New York trio Nada Surf are as relentlessly consistent and impeccable as a long-time friend to whom you remain eternally loyal and to whom you always return, no matter what life throws at you.
Moon Mirror, Nada Surf's new album, contains everything fans love and expect: bittersweet anthems that start quietly but explode into searing harmonies? Yes. Songs that pack a punch to the heart? Yes. Poetic, thought-provoking songs that are absolute masterpieces to sing along to? Yes !©DR
La Belle Électrique
12 Esplanade Andry-Farcy
38000 Grenoble
Useful info
Opening hours : Wednesday to Friday, 10am to 1am, and Saturday from 4pm, but also from 6pm if a concert is scheduled.
Doors open : 1 hour before the start of the concert.
Dressing room : €2
Get there
Tramway : Line A stop Berriat - Le Magasin
Bus : Line C5 Université Biologie / Palais de Justice stop "Berriat - Le Magasin".
Train : From Grenoble train station, take tramway A towards "Fontaine La Poya", stop at "Berriat- Le Magasin".
Bicycles : 300 parking spaces available.
Car : Vallier-Catane parking lot, Square des Fusillés or near Rue Ampère.
25.03.26 / 8pm
Big Hall · Live