Born in the vibrant heart of Paris's 14th arrondissement, J9ueve is much more than an artist: he's a shockwave, an authentic voice that transcends the capital's borders. With raw energy and disarming audacity, he transforms street fragments into timeless anthems, blending haunting melodies and sharp punchlines. In his universe, every word resonates, every note tells a story, painting a picture as intimate as it is universal.The year 2023 marked a turning point in his career. During his acclaimed appearances at La Cigale and L'Olympia, he won over audiences with his magnetic charisma and captivating phrasing, affirming his role as a rising star. These performances were not mere concerts, but true immersions in his world, where authenticity and sonic power dominated.
In 2025, J9ueve is set to push back the boundaries with an all-new tour that promises to be a veritable sensory voyage. Each date will be conceived as a unique experience, a raw and sincere communion with the audience. Get ready for unforgettable moments, as this tour is already shaping up to be one of the major events of the year.

Kozy856 is a Hip-Hop/Trap DJ who knows how to be eclectic when he needs to be. He's been plying his trade at Parisian parties, and is now beginning to export his talents throughout France and Europe. He accompanies J9ueve and La Fève on their tour, warming up the room as opening act.

Otega is a Parisian rap artist. He offers soaring sounds and uses his voice for moving melodies that touch his listeners. He accompanies J9ueve on his tour as backeur.
Where ?
Big Hall · Live
La Belle Électrique
12 Esplanade Andry-Farcy
38000 Grenoble
Useful info
Opening hours : Wednesday to Friday, 10am to 1am, and Saturday from 4pm, but also from 6pm if a concert is scheduled.
Doors open : 1 hour before the start of the concert.
Dressing room : €2
Get there
Tramway : Line A stop Berriat - Le Magasin
Bus : Line C5 Université Biologie / Palais de Justice stop "Berriat - Le Magasin".
Train : From Grenoble train station, take tramway A towards "Fontaine La Poya", stop at "Berriat- Le Magasin".
Bicycles : 300 parking spaces available.
Car : Vallier-Catane parking lot, Square des Fusillés or near Rue Ampère.