The Last Internationale + Quintana Dead Blues eXperience
25.03.26 / 8pm
Big Hall · Live
After first singles released in 2019 followed by the EP Vierge released in 2020, the ascendant
vierge duo (Mathilde Fernandez & Paul Seul) presents its first album Une Nouvelle Chance in
April, the 28th
Continuing its alliances between pop with lyrical accents on one hand and club music on the
other hand, the duo confirms its singularity in this album whose songs, clips and
communication campaign offer a total experience, as sonorous as visual and conceptual. It is
the logical continuation of their debut and also a radical change of scale, the launching into
orbit of what was at first considered as a musical oddity, now transformed into a pop
alchemy of stellar scope and ambition.
Appearing on the album cover as the survivors of a plane crash that could well be a
metaphor for our time, ascendant vierge invites us to apprehend their first album as a Une
Nouvelle Chance, as literally as allegorically. Their music, their lyrics and their visual and
digital sides are experienced as a post-modern and dreamlike version of the black box,
where collective and individual memories melt into each other and where the border
between the real and the fictitious becomes irremediably blurred. It is life that scrolls before
our eyes, in our ears and through our hearts.
©Paul Marique
La Belle Électrique
12 Esplanade Andry-Farcy
38000 Grenoble
Useful info
Opening hours : Wednesday to Friday, 10am to 1am, and Saturday from 4pm, but also from 6pm if a concert is scheduled.
Doors open : 1 hour before the start of the concert.
Dressing room : €2
Get there
Tramway : Line A stop Berriat - Le Magasin
Bus : Line C5 Université Biologie / Palais de Justice stop "Berriat - Le Magasin".
Train : From Grenoble train station, take tramway A towards "Fontaine La Poya", stop at "Berriat- Le Magasin".
Bicycles : 300 parking spaces available.
Car : Vallier-Catane parking lot, Square des Fusillés or near Rue Ampère.
25.03.26 / 8pm
Big Hall · Live