Commitments and prevention

At La Belle Électrique, we are deeply committed to protecting the environment and promoting sustainable practices. Aware of today's ecological challenges, we have put in place several initiatives to reduce our impact :
- We give priority to the use of seasonal raw materials and short circuits, and several vegetarian options are available on the restaurant menu at lunchtime and in the snack bar in the evening. In the catering area, vegetarian dishes are the norm, with meat and fish dishes available on request ;
- We no longer use disposable plastic for the bar-restaurant; in general, we do our utmost to reduce all our waste ;
- The hall is fully equipped with low-energy LED lights. Our teams are also working on converting the entire building to LED ;
- Every year at La Guinguette Électrique, we strive to reuse the materials available to us ;
- Cigarette butts are recycled, in partnership with the City of Grenoble and the Cellule de Propreté Participative, via Tchao Mégot system.

Déclic - Let's decarbonize live collectively
After identifying their members' needs in terms of resources, tools, support, human and financial resources, in winter 2023 FEDELIMA and SMA launched an unprecedented collective initiative with 18 structures (concert halls, festivals, show producers, training centers) representing the live performance-music industry.
The goal ?
- collect data on the environmental impact of the sector according to different types of structures and consolidate existing knowledge ;
- define a strategy and action plan to support the industry's ecological transition, in line with environmental challenges and the objectives of the French Low Carbon Strategy.
Did you know ? The study shows that for concert halls and festivals, GHG emissions are mainly caused by spectator travel (34%) ! So why not give priority to car-sharing, cycling and other environmentally-friendly modes of transport ?

Risk reduction
La Belle Électrique is sensitive to risky consumption and behaviour, particularly in the party environment, and implements awareness-raising and prevention initiatives aimed at reducing risks :
- We comply with dB levels wherever we play. To this end, a sound level meter is installed in the hall and visible to the public. We also provide earplugs for all (Agi-son) and earphones for younger children. In conjunction with Grand Bureau, we host the Dose Le Son program, educational concerts aimed at secondary school pupils to prevent hearing risks ;
- Our teams are trained and familiar with the care of consumers and the different types of psychoactive products ;
- At all our indoor events, one or more SSIAPs (Service de Sécurité Incendie et d'Assistance aux Personnes) are present and ready to act if necessary ;
- A prevention and awareness unit is freely available to our public. It contains harm reduction material and documentation supplied by the association. Keep Smiling ;
- Numerous Act Right prevention posters can be seen on the walls of La Belle: in the busiest public passageways as well as in the offices, dressing rooms and catering ;
- Whenever possible, members of the Avenir Santé association come to our indoor events to raise awareness; Keep Smiling volunteers are also present at our night-time events to raise awareness and provide support to the public.

Fight against VHSS
La Belle Électrique is firmly committed to combating sexist and sexual violence and harassment, as well as all forms of discrimination. We have therefore developed a series of actions to prevent and ensure the safety and respect of all :
- Our teams receive regular training in the fight against sexual and gender-based violence and harassment, and in caring for victims and witnesses ;
- Our internal regulations include a VHSS clause ;
- Since 2023, we have put in place a clear reporting and care protocol that is displayed to both our teams and our clients ;
- Numerous Act Right prevention posters can be seen on the walls of La Belle: in the busiest public passageways as well as in the offices, dressing rooms and catering;
- Whenever possible, members of the feminist association Serein.e.s come to raise awareness at our night-time events with a stand, discussions and exchanges;
- We've also set up a special mailbox for reports signalement@la-belle-electrique.com, addressed to our VHSS contact at La Belle Électrique.
You are a victim or witness confronted with...
Discrimination - Sexual harassment - Moral harassment - Sexist harassment
The staff at La Belle Électrique are ready to listen to you and to help out if you need it. Don't hesitate to ask for their help :
- By security teams directly ;
- Through staff (yellow armband) / checkroom / ticket office / bars.
You can also chat with specially trained police officers or gendarmes on the Arrêtons les violences platform. This chat is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is completely anonymous.

Association supported by the French Ministry of Culture and the Centre National de la Musique, ACT RIGHT helps structures to become players in change !
ACT RIGHT offers a Quality Label, unique in France, aimed at professionals and structures, providing them with support and a simple action protocol based on 3 axes: training, information and related actions. The ACT RIGHT Quality Label for contemporary music structures certifies that La Belle Électrique is committed to a responsible and virtuous approach to current and societal issues. This responsibility includes the implementation of a range of concrete and measurable actions, within the structure, for its staff and its public, through 4 axes :
- The fight against sexist and sexual violence and harassment ;
- Harm reduction and prevention related to risky consumption and behavior ;
- Ecological transition to measure and reduce your ecological impact ;
- Social responsibility for parity, diversity and inclusion ;
The ACT RIGHT Quality Label is a way of identifying music venues and structures that are committed to the arts !
© Coline Beulin - Stevens Drean - Act Right